Wall of Hope

CAPP's Success Stories

When children who have been abused or mistreated enter the Dartmouth Health Children’s Child Advocacy Center, they are greeted by a colorful Tree of Hope on the wall. The tree’s leaves represent the handprints of children who have been cared for and treated by CAPP. It is meant to remind frightened children they are not alone … that help is available … that there is hope. Since the tree’s creation in 2017, QLLA Charities has modeled it in different forms each year. For example, when the Pandemic hit in 2020 and the Classic and Gala could not be held, a Sky of Hope was offered with Stars and Starlets filling the sky to raise funds. As a result, $30,000 was donated to CAPP despite not being able to hold in-person events.

While the depiction of offerings has been different every year, the idea has never waivered—it symbolizes a meaningful and tangible way for us to reach out and embrace the children served by the Ken & Vickie French Child Advocacy and Protection Program . Now, the Wall of Hope fills the lobby of the Quechee Club each July with cheerful images like birds, hearts, balloons, circus animals and fish—representing the generosity of our community in supporting the kids.

Identifying, evaluating and treating child maltreatment and abuse can be an overwhelming and frightening experience for a child and their family. Your support means that Dartmouth Health Children’s can continue to provide hope and help to children who are victims of abuse. Use the Gala Registration Form to make an online donation for this year’s Wall of Hope or click here to download a printable form to mail in with your check. QLLA Charities, along with the wonderful and caring people of the CAPP program, are grateful for your gift.

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