Supporting Our Community

About QLLA Charities

Who We Are

QLLA Charities is a 501(c)3 corporation registered with the State of Vermont. “The Corporation is organized under Vermont Statutes Annotated, Title 11B, as a non-profit corporation for any lawful purpose as set forth in Sections 3.01 and 3.02 of that Chapter. The purposes shall include but not be limited to raising funds for charities within the area surrounding the village of Quechee, the Town of Hartford, Vermont, the county of Windsor, and the region of the “Upper Valley.” QLLA Charities (Quechee Lakes Landowners Association Charities) is the fundraising arm of the Quechee Club, Quechee, Vermont.

QLLA Charities is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of between five and nine members of the greater Quechee community. The current Board Members are Shantel Bill, Eric Bradshaw, Gail Ferney, Cindy Gould (President), Chris Johnson, Phyllis Shankman, and Marty Whitney (Treasurer). The Board may be reached by email at or by writing to QLLA Charities at PO Box 1301, Quechee, VT 05059.

L to R: Gaily Ferney, Marty Whitney, Sharin Luti, Peggy Woods, Eric Bradshaw, Cindy Gould, Phyllis Shankman.

What We Do

Unlike foundations, which are typically endowed by contributions donated and invested for charitable purposes and which may include providing grants, QLLA Charities does not currently have an endowment.  It does have 501(c)3 status as a tax-exempt charity and can act as a conduit for raising funds organized, managed, supported and designated for specific charities.  Current examples include the CHaD Classic Golf Tournament and the CHaD Gala, which are supported by QLLA Charities volunteer committees and organized to raise funds for the Ken & Vickie French Child Advocacy and Protection Program (CAPP) at Dartmouth Health Children’s. In the past, we have supported the fundraising efforts of the Quechee Elves and the Friends of the Quechee Covered Bridge Project.

Requesting Support from QLLA Charities

In a continuing effort to broaden its scope of support for charitable purposes within the Upper Valley, QLLA Charities is pleased to offer a Fiscal Sponsorship arrangement. This arrangement is available to small groups or nonprofits without their own tax-exempt status that wish to conduct a fundraiser in support of a local cause. 

Giving Limitations

QLLA Charities seeks to support fundraising efforts that are aligned with our own mission and purpose. We will not entertain requests for funding of the following:

  • Individuals
  • Political Action or Religious Committees or Groups
  • Animal welfare groups
  • Sponsorships
  • Purposes or activities that take place outside of the geographic area of the Upper Valley of New Hampshire and Vermont
  • Any funding request deemed inappropriate in nature by the QLLA Charities Board of Directors

Process for Requesting Funding Assistance through Fiscal Sponsorship

All funding requests must be submitted using the QLLA Charities Request for Support application. A separate, accompanying document with additional information about your organization and/or request is encouraged. 

Organizations and individuals requesting funding should represent programs or events which are organized and supported to benefit a specific charitable cause. Requests should be aligned with the mission of QLLA Charities as outlined in its by-laws and must be approved by a sub-committee of the QLLA Charities Board of Directors. Initiatives should be well defined, self-sufficient, and must not conflict with existing projects or programs of QLLA Charities. Applications must be mailed to:

QLLA Charities Board of Directors
P.O. Box 1301
Quechee, VT 05059

Notification of funding decisions will be sent via regular mail to the contact listed on the application.

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